
Current Courses (2024W)

In this seminar, you will learn about computer science (CS) education and didactical concepts applied in the TU Wien Informatics eduLAB, such as discovery learning, learning by doing, constructionist learning. You will learn to teach workshops and design your own interactive exercises using the CS unplugged design pattern. Topics for exercises can be freely chosen, allowing you to dive into a CS topic you are interested in, e.g., AI, algorithmics, IT security.

Type: Seminar
ECTS: 3.0

Visit TISS for more information.

In this seminar, you will learn to be a mentor to high school students working on the pre-scientific work (VWA). You will gain competencies in counselling and mentoring, such that you can support high school students throughout the year. This course is the continuation of VWA Mentoring I offered in the previous semester.

Type: Seminar
ECTS: 2.0

Visit TISS for more information.

Upcoming Courses (2025S)

In this seminar, you will learn about computer science (CS) education and didactical concepts applied in the TU Wien Informatics eduLAB, such as discovery learning, learning by doing, constructionist learning. You will learn to teach workshops and design your own interactive exercises using the CS unplugged design pattern. Topics for exercises can be freely chosen, allowing you to dive into a CS topic you are interested in, e.g., AI, algorithmics, IT security.

Type: Seminar
ECTS: 3.0

Visit TISS for more information.

This seminar will cover a variety of topics related to current research and relevant trends in the field of learning technologies. Possible topics include learning analytics, curriculum analytics, learning management systems, serious games, gamification in education. In agreement with the lecturers, it is also possible to suggest and work on your own topic ideas, as long as they are suitable for the seminar and enable scientific discourse.

Type: Seminar
ECTS: 3.0

This course is part 2 of the centrally organized seminar for Bachelor students. For more information, please review our detailed course page.

Type: Seminar
ECTS: 3.0

Software Projects

The project aims to enhance the unplugged “Treasure Hunt Robot” task which is part of an algorithm workshop for students aged 11-16. In this task, participants can write “programs” by assembling 3D-printed programming commands on a table. The project will provide a software that assists instructors in checking the students’ results and building a bridge between unplugged and digital tasks. Instructors can scan the students’ “programs” with a smartphone or tablet camera. The software analyzes the sequence as well as the structure (including nesting and branching), and provides feedback on potential syntactic and semantic errors.  This process enables students to experience trial-and-error programming more interactively, while maintaining the unplugged nature of the task. 

Interested? Please contact Martina Landman.

Theses Projects (Bachelor/Master)

We are currently in preparation of different thesis projects; however, we are always open to creative ideas with scientific questions for students to work on. Please contact Prof. René Röpke in case you want to discuss potential thesis projects.

Possible areas for thesis projects could be:

  • Learning Analytics
  • Game-based Learning, Serious Games and Gamification
  • AI in Education
  • Computer Science Education

Note: As we have not yet offered courses, there is no requirement to have completed any of our courses to do a thesis with us.