
  • eduLAB in the newspaper “Der Standard”

    On October 1st, 2024, a reporter from the newspaper ‘Der Standard’ visited one of our primary school workshops, to experience what they are all about. What are algorithms? Where can you find them? These questions were answered in a playful… more.

    eduLAB in the newspaper “Der Standard”
  • Outreach & Research in eduLAB

    The eduLAB at TU Wien is an educational outreach initiative by the Faculty of Informatics. It was founded by Prof. Gerald Futschek and continued by Prof. Tobias Kohn. Now, it is also associated to the LTeD Research Lab. Our goal… more.

    Outreach & Research in eduLAB
  • Welcome!

    With René Röpke joining TU Wien Informatics as an Assistant Professor on August 1st, 2024, the work of the Learning Technologies and eDidactics Research Lab started. It is part of the Software Engineering Research Unit (E194-01) in the Institute for… more.