Category: General

  • EdTech Panel @ Tech4Rights Summit

    EdTech Panel @ Tech4Rights Summit

    On Saturday, 14.12.2024, René Röpke contributed to a panel discussion on educational technology in the context of human rights in the digital age. He shared his expertise on gamification and game-based learning in the context of different learning contexts and broad insights from the academia perspective to the lively discussion. Sharing the stage with him…

  • Martina Landman is awarded with a netidee grant!

    Martina Landman is awarded with a netidee grant!

    Exciting news: Martina Landman, researcher and PhD student of the LTeD Research Lab and organiser of the TU Wien Informatics eduLAB, is awarded with a netidee grant for her dissertation on algorithmic problem solving in unplugged learning activities for Computer Science (CS) outreach. The grant gives her the opportunity to focus more on her research…

  • From Buzzword to Practice – New contribution to the OCG Journal!

    From Buzzword to Practice – New contribution to the OCG Journal!

    New Publication in the OCG Journal We are thrilled to share our latest contribution from Martina Landman and as a Co-Author Lukas Lehner of the magazine article, “Vom Schlagwort zur Praxis: Computational Thinking in der Theorie und im eduLAB” (engl: From Buzzword to Practice: Computational Thinking in Theory and at the eduLAB”), published in the…

  • Three days full of Games and Learning (GALA 2024)

    Three days full of Games and Learning (GALA 2024)

    From November 20th to 22nd, 2024, René Röpke attended the Games and Learning Alliance International Conference (GALA 2024) at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin). It is the 13th edition organized by the Serious Games Society in collaboration with HWR Berlin. The LTeD Research Lab was represented with two full papers. In…

  • Visiting Researcher David Baberowski at LTeD

    Visiting Researcher David Baberowski at LTeD

    In the beginning of November, our team welcomed David Baberowski from TU Dresden, Germany as a visiting researcher to TU Wien. The visit was supported through Erasmus+ and allowed him to connect and collaborate with our team, give a guest lecture as part of our Informatics didactics seminar and test his current research prototype with…

  • VR Serious Games: Guest Lecture and Study

    VR Serious Games: Guest Lecture and Study

    As part of Erasmus+, David Baberowski, a researcher and PhD student from TU Dresden in Germany visits the LTeD Research Lab. His research involves the design and evaluation of VR Serious Games to be used in schools. Topics currently covered are the inner workings of a home network router and a CPU. During his stay,…

  • CMSC 2024: Presenting our new paper “Unplugged Decision Tree Learning”

    CMSC 2024: Presenting our new paper “Unplugged Decision Tree Learning”

    From October 7-10, the Creative Mathematical Sciences Communication (CMSC) took place at Trier University, where Lukas Lehner and Martina Landman of our research lab had the opportunity to present our latest project on “Unplugged Decision Tree Learning.” In a paper presentation, Lukas introduced our new eduLAB AI workshop concept. In addition to gaining insights during…

  • eduLAB at the Digital Days

    eduLAB at the Digital Days

    On October 23, 2024, eduLAB joined the Digital Days at Vienna’s Technical Museum, an annual event offering the public an inside look into current topics like civic participation and digital democracy. This year, the major focus was on artificial intelligence, with presentations, workshops, and interactive exhibits that delved into various aspects of AI and its…

  • Informatiktag 2024 in Baden, Austria

    Informatiktag 2024 in Baden, Austria

    On October 24th, 2024, two members of our research lab attended the Computer Science Day (Informatiktag) hosted at the University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria (PH Lower Austria). Together with fellow colleagues in Computer Science Education they provided a diverse program, including two keynotes and twelve workshops. In the first session, Lukas Lehner presented…

  • Panel discussion on the future of work with AI

    Panel discussion on the future of work with AI

    On October 24th, 2024, Lukas Lehner participated in a panel discussion on “AI in the world of work and the economy” at HAK/HAS Mistelbach …