Three days full of Games and Learning (GALA 2024)

From November 20th to 22nd, 2024, René Röpke attended the Games and Learning Alliance International Conference (GALA 2024) at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin). It is the 13th edition organized by the Serious Games Society in collaboration with HWR Berlin.

The LTeD Research Lab was represented with two full papers. In a collaboration with the University of Southampton (UK), Kristina Risley and René Röpke presented their paper “A Growing Community of Practice on Games and Learning: A Literature Review with Bibliometric and Thematic Analyses” in the first session of the conference. On the second day, Kevin Fiedler (RWTH Aachen University) presented the collaborative work with René Schäfer, Jan Borchers and René Röpke. The paper is titled “Deception Detected! – A Serious Game About Detecting Dark Patterns”. Due to unfortunate delays with the publisher, the proceedings are not yet published.

In his role as Games Competition and Exhibition Co-Chair, René Röpke was also part of the organizational committee. Together with Kristina Risley (University of Southampton, UK), Mariana Rocha (TU Dublin, Ireland) and Jonny-Bix Bongers (HWR Berlin, Germany), they hosted the serious games competition prior to the conference and organized the games exhibition on the first day of the conference. Here, participants were invited to play and test presented games, before voting which nominated games win in their respective categories. The competition and exhibition are both highlights of the conference and greatly appreciated by the diverse audience of researchers, educators and developers.

GALA 2024 presentation